We offer a forum for individuals to chat and offer advice on all things club related

Please be respectful when posting on our forum, anyone found to be directing hatefull or harmfull speach will be removed and reported to admin and governing authorities

We are currently trialling the Apache Brave Racing forum option to help with communicating to club members regarding cyckle club activities and chat.

"A Word of advice."

This forum is hosted using a third party app, Apache Brave Racing forum is hosted on forumotion platform, all data is saved and secured on their servers, if you are not happy using this forum then please do not sign up. All normall T & Cs regarding ABR  are related to tusing and viewing the club forum. Any abuse reported or seen may cause you to be removed from the forum and ABR club. Be respectfull and understanding of other peopes views and comments. Admin has final word on all matters.

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